About me

Hola, bonjour, hi….thanks for stopping by 😊

I'm Hannah. I live in Hampshire, in the beautiful South of England, I love where I live, and I also love to travel about and find new places and things to do.

I’ve always worked in marketing, and I’m particularly passionate about writing because it’s a medium to share the joy of discovering and learning new things and places – so I started writing my blog to create a thread of inspiration and ideas.

I also work as a freelance copywriter for some wonderful clients, particularly in destination marketing and the tourism sector. If you’re looking for a writer to help promote your place, project, or product, then check out my writing services – I’d love to chat with you to see how I can help.

Stick around, make a cuppa, escape with me on the blog, or follow my adventures on Instagram @threads.by.h where you’ll find local tips and places to visit from where I live as well as further-flung finds.